Monday, July 28, 2008

Calling Voice-aholics!

Hi All! Just wanted to let you know about a new gadget at Voice-aholics Headquarters.

If you go upstairs and to the right, you'll see a new gizmo on the end table. Thanks to Siddhartha (design) and Boursin (scripting) for making an idea of mine a reality. It's designed to send out a chat message to any Voice-aholics who choose to be contacted. Let's say you're at HQ and no one's around. And you just want to put out the word that you're there and looking for someone to chat with. Click on the top button, and anyone who has elected to, will get a gentle chat message that someone at HQ is looking for company. No guarantee that they'll come, but if they're not busy, you might find a person or two will appear atop the box. Also, if you'd like to be included (and I hope you will!) just click on the bottom button to add your name to the list of people who are contacted!


Kal-El said...

I was wondering what that gadget was for. Good idea Hannah, nice design Siddhartha, and i haven't tried yet, but it looks like a good scripting too Boursin :)

Zam Boyle said...

Very nice idea :)
Great Job !